Brambati Tailor-made technology, led by innovation
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Andrà tutto bene (everything will be fine)

Andrà tutto bene! (Everything will be fine!)
This phrase has become for weeks the anthem of all of us Italians and thanks to technology, it is now known all over the world.
Since the beginning Brambati has immediately adopted all available solutions to protect its employees and their families, in order to allow the continuation of the activities and to guarantee the continuity of production, putting as absolute priority the health of each of us.
Thanks to the help of smart working, all departments, such as sales, administration, R&D, design and customer care service, are 100% operational, while production, logistics and warehousing, in accordance with the directives issued by the competent authorities, are operational and functioning with personnel present in the company, organized in such a way that all indications regarding protection are respected.
At the end of the shift, we carry out the complete sanitization of the operational areas, as well as the offices, to allow everyone to operate in peace, thanks also to the help of the PPE necessary to deal with this emergency.
Thanks to technology, it is possible to organize meetings at any time and resolve any critical issues anywhere in the world.
Thanks to the willingness, commitment and dedication of our staff, all deliveries will be carried out, FATs will be made via remote connections and the development of projects will take place on schedule.
With this letter we want to share and confirm the closeness to all our customers and also, as far as possible, transmit a feeling of everyday life; placing great hope in the capabilities of each individual, we will get a wave that will reach every corner of the planet.

Fabrizio and Andrea Brambati